Du Học Catholic MTA

Danh sách các trường trung học ở Canada

Danh sách các trường trung học ở Canada được phân loại theo tỉnh bang và vùng lãnh thổ

Trường trung học công lập (Public Secondary School)

Nhiều trường công lập Canada hiện nay đã tiếp nhận sinh viên quốc tế. Danh sách các trường trung học ở Canada được liệt kê dưới đây

Tỉnh bang Alberta

Thành phốHệ thống trườngTên TrườngHọc phí
Calgary1. Calgary Board of EducationHenry Wise Wood High School12.500 CAD
  James Fowler High School 
  John G. Diefenbaker High School 
  Lester B. Pearson High School 
  Lord Beaverbrook High School 
  Queen Elizabeth High School 
  Robert Thirsk High School 
  Sir Winston Churchill High School 
  Western Canada High School 
  William Aberhart High School 
  Centennial High School 
  Joane Cardinal-Schubert High School 
  Nelson Mandela High School 
  Bowness High School 
  Central Memorial High School 
  Crescent Heights High School 
  Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School 
  Ernest Manning High School 
  Forest Lawn High School 
 2. Calgary Catholic School DistrictAll Saints High School12.500 CAD
  Bishop O’Byrne Senior High School 
  Bishop Grandin High School 
  Bishop McNally High School 
  Father Lacombe High School 
  Notre Dame High School 
  St. Francis High School 
  St. Mary’s High School 
Chestermere St. Gabriel the Archangel School 
Airdrie St. Martin de Porres High School 
Cochrane St. Timothy Jr./Sr. High School 
Edmonton3. Edmonton Catholic Schools DistrictSt. Joseph Catholic High School11.700 CAD
  Louis St. Laurent Catholic High School 
  Mother Margaret Mary High School 
  St. Francis Xavier High School 
  Archbishop O’Leary High School 
  Austin O’Brien High School 
  St. Oscar Romero High School 
  Holy Trinity Catholic High School 
 4. Edmonton Public Schools DistrictVictoria School12.500 CAD
  Vimy Ridge Academy 
  W.P. Wagner School 
  Centre High Campus 
  Eastglen School 
  Harry Ainlay School 
  J. Percy Page School 
  Jasper Place School 
  Lillian Osborne School 
  M.E. LaZerte School 
  McNally School 
  Queen Elizabeth School 
  Ross Sheppard School 
  Strathcona School 
Lethbridge5. Lethbridge School DistrictLethbridge Collegiate Institute11.000 CAD
  Chinook High School 
  Winston Churchill High School 
  Immanuel Christian Secondary School 
Drumheller6. Golden Hills School DivisionDrumheller Valley Secondary School11.350 CAD
Three Hills Three Hills School 
  Prairie Christian Academy 
Red Deer7. Red Deer Catholic Regional SchoolsSt. Joseph High School11.300 CAD
  Ecole Secondaire Notre Dame High School 
  St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School 
  St. Francis of Assisi Middle School 
Medicine Hat8. Medicine Hat Catholic Board of EducationMedicine Hat High School10.500 CAD
  Crescent Heights High School 
  Alexandra Middle School 
  Dr. Roy Wilson Learning Centre 
  Monsignor McCoy High School 
  Notre Dame Academy

Tỉnh bang British Columbia

Thành phốHệ thống trườngTên TrườngHọc phí
Fort St John1. Peace River North School District 60North Peace Secondary School12.900 CAD
Hudson’s Hope Hudson’s Hope School 
Chilliwack2. Chilliwack School DistrictG. W. Graham Secondary School14.500 CAD
  Chilliwack Secondary School 
  Sardis Secondary School 
Delta3. Delta School DistrictBurnsview Secondary School15.500 CAD
  Delta Secondary School 
  Delview Secondary School 
  North Delta Secondary School 
  Sands Secondary School 
  Seaquam Secondary School 
  South Delta Secondary School 
New Westminster4. New Westminster Secondary SchoolNew Westminster Secondary School15.000 CAD
Penticton5. School District No.67 (Okanagan Skaha)Princess Margaret Secondary12.500 CAD
Langley6. Langley School District 35 Brookswood Secondary School15.500 CAD
   D.W. Poppy Secondary School 
  Langley Fine Arts School 
  Aldergrove Community Secondary School 
  R.E. Mountain Secondary School 
  Walnut Grove Secondary School 
  Langley Fundamental Middle and Secondary School 
  Langley Secondary School 
Comox7. Comox Valley Schools DistrictHighland Secondary School13.000 CAD
Courtenay Georges P. Vanier Secondary School 
  Mark R. Isfeld Secondary School 
Surrey8. Surrey School District 36Clayton Heights Secondary School15.700 CAD
  ​​Earl Marriott Secondary School 
  Elgin Park Secondary School 
  Fleetwood Park Secondary School 
  Enver Creek Secondary School 
  Fraser Heights Secondary School 
  Frank Hurt Secondary School 
  Johnston Heights Secondary School 
  Guildford Park Secondary School 
  L.A. Matheson Secondary School 
  Kwantlen Park Secondary School 
  Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School 
  North Surrey Secondary School 
Squamish9. School District 48Howe Sound Secondary School14.500 CAD
Brackendale Don Ross Middle School 
Pemberton Pemberton Secondary School 
Whistler Whistler Secondary 
Richmond10. Richmond School DistrictJohn Napier Burnett Secondary School15.000 CAD
  Hugh Boyd Secondary School 
  Henry James Cambie Secondary School 
  Allan Roy MacNeill Secondary School 
  Robert Alexander McMath Secondary School 
  Matthew McNair Secondary School 
  Hugh McRoberts Secondary School 
  Robert Cecil Palmer Secondary School 
  Richmond Secondary School 
  Steveston-London Secondary School 
Ladysmith11. Nanaimo Ladysmith Public SchoolsLadysmith Secondary School13.000 CAD
Nanaimo Dover Bay Secondary School 
  John Barsby Secondary School 
  Nanaimo District Secondary School 
  Wellington Secondary School 
  Cedar Community Secondary School 
Chemainus12. Cowichan Valley School DistrictChemainus Secondary School13.500 CAD
Mill Bay Frances Kelsey Secondary School 
Lake Cowichan Lake Cowichan Secondary School 
Duncan Cowichan Secondary School 
Maple Ridge13. Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows School DistrictGaribaldi Secondary School14.000 CAD
  Maple Ridge Secondary School 
  Samuel Robertson Technical School 
  Thomas Haney Secondary School 
  Westview Secondary School 
Pitt Meadows Pitt Meadows Secondary School 
Coquitlam14. Coquitlam School District 43Centennial Secondary School16.500 CAD
  Dr. Charles Best Secondary School 
  Gleneagle Secondary School 
  Pinetree Secondary School 
Port Coquitlam Riverside Secondary School 
  Terry Fox Secondary School 
Port Moody Heritage Woods Secondary School 
  Port Moody Secondary School 
Abbotsford15. Abbotsford School DistrictAbbotsford Senior Secondary School14.500 CAD
  Rick Hansen Secondary School 
  Robert Bateman Secondary School 
  W.J. Mouat Secondary School 
  Yale Secondary School 
South Slocan16. Kootenay Lake School DistrictMount Sentinel Secondary School14.000 CAD
Kaslo J.V. Humphries Secondary School 
Creston Prince Charles Secondary School 
Nelson LV Rogers Secondary School 
  Trafalgar Middle School 
Salmo Salmo Secondary School 
Burnaby17. Burnaby School District 41Moscrop Secondary School15.250 CAD
  Byrne Creek Secondary 
  Cariboo Hill Secondary 
  Burnaby South Secondary 
  Burnaby North Secondary 
  Burnaby Central Secondary 
  Burnaby Mountain Secondary 
  Alpha Secondary School 

Tỉnh bang Ontario

Thành phốHệ thống trườngTên trườngHọc phí
Toronto1. Toronto Catholic District School BoardLoretto College School15.500 CAD
  St. Mary Catholic Academy 
  Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic Secondary School 
  St. Oscar Romero Catholic Secondary School 
  Chaminade College School 
  Senator O’Connor College School 
  Dante Alighieri Academy Catholic Secondary School 
  St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School 
  Notre Dame High School 
  Neil McNeil High School 
  St. Joseph’s College School 
  Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School 
Scarborough Francis Libermann Catholic High School 
  St. Mother Teresa Catholic Academy 
  St. John Paul II Catholic Secondary School 
  Jean Vanier Catholic Secondary School 
  Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School 
Downsview Madonna Catholic Secondary School 
Etobicoke Michael Power – St. Joseph High School 
Rexdale Monsignor Percy Johnson Catholic Secondary School 
Willowdale Brebeuf College School 
  St. Joseph’s Morrow Park Catholic Secondary School 
North York St. Basil-the-Great College School 
Toronto2. Toronto District School Board – Elementary SchoolsNorthern Secondary School16.000 CAD
  Central Toronto Academy 
  Central Technical School 
North York A. Y. Jackson Secondary School 
  George S. Henry Academy 
  Georges Vanier Secondary School 
  Newtonbrook Secondary School 
  Northview Heights Secondary School 
Mississauga3. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School BoardSt. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School14.000 CAD
  St. Francis Xavier Secondary School 
  St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary School 
  St. Joseph Secondary School 
  St. Marcellinus Secondary School 
  St. Martin Secondary School 
  St. Paul Secondary School 
  St. Oscar Romero Catholic Secondary School 
  Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School 
  Father Michael Goetz Secondary School 
  Iona Catholic Secondary School 
  John Cabot Catholic Secondary School 
  Loyola Catholic Secondary School 
  Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Secondary School 
  Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School 

Tỉnh bang Manitoba

Thành phốHệ thống trườngTên trườngHọc phí
Winnipeg1. Louis Riel School DivisionCollege Beliveau11.500 CAD
  Collège Jeanne-Sauvé 
  Glenlawn Collegiate 
  J. H. Bruns Collegiate 
  Nelson McIntyre Collegiate 
  Windsor Park Collegiate 
Winnipeg2. River East Transcona School DivisionKildonan-East Collegiate11.750 CAD
  Collège Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau 
  Miles Macdonell Collegiate 
  Murdoch MacKay Collegiate 
  River East Collegiate 
  Transcona Collegiate 

Tỉnh bang New Brunswick

Thành phốTên trườngHọc phí
FrederictonAtlantic Education International (AEI) – New Brunswick International Student Program10.000 CAD

Tỉnh bang Quebec

Thành phốHệ thống trườngTên trườngHọc phí
Montreal1. Lester B. Pearson School BoardJohn Rennie High School14.000 CAD
  Lakeside Academy 
  LaSalle Community Comprehensive High School 
  Macdonald High School 
  Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School 
  St. Thomas High School 
  Westwood High School Senior 
  Beaconsfield High School 
  Beurling Academy 
Greenfield Park2. Riverside School BoardCentennial Regional High School13.350 CAD
Saint-Lambert Saint-Lambert International High School 
Saint-Hubert Heritage Regional High School 

Tỉnh bang Saskatchewan

Thành phốHệ thống trườngTên trườngHọc phí
SaskatoonGreater Saskatoon Catholic SchoolsBishop James Mahoney High School12.900 CAD
  St. Joseph High School 
  Holy Cross High School 
  Bethlehem Catholic High School 

Trường trung học tư thục (Private Secondary School)

Tỉnh bang British Columbia

Thành phốTên TrườngHọc phí
VancouverLaSalle College Vancouver High School26.400 CAD
VancouverPattison High School25.200 CAD
North VancouverBodwell High School20.742 CAD
VancouverAlexander Academy22.800 CAD
VancouverColumbia Academy26.400 CAD
NanaimoThe High School at Vancouver Island University16.833 CAD
SummerlandUnisus School22.319 CAD
RichmondCanada Star Secondary School18.500 CAD
VictoriaGlenlyon Norfolk School – Middle and Senior School34.813 CAD
CoquitlamCoquitlam College High School11.520 CAD
KelownaAberdeen Hall Preparatory School26.150 CAD
Mill BayBrentwood College School78.000 CAD
VictoriaBEG – Brookes Westshore51.050 CAD
RichmondMaple Leaf World School – Kwantlen Polytechnic University22.000 CAD
KamloopsMaple Leaf World School – Thompson Rivers University22.000 CAD

Tỉnh bang Ontario

Thành phốTên trườngHọc phí
TorontoBraemar College14.800 CAD
TorontoWillowdale High School15.600 CAD
MarkhamJ. Addison School21.800 CAD
MississaugaBronte College18.932 CAD
CobourgWilliam Academy26.229 CAD
HamiltonColumbia International College22.683 CAD
TorontoWebtree Academy23.771 CAD
TorontoUMC High School19.500 CAD
MarkhamWestfield Secondary School17.733 CAD
TorontoBirmingham International Collegiate of Canada18.910 CAD
BurlingtonBlyth Academy22.095 CAD
ThornhillGlobal Education Academy20.400 CAD
HamiltonSouthern Ontario Collegiate18.000 CAD
TorontoUrban International School16.000 CAD
TorontoHanson High School20.007 CAD

Tỉnh bang Manitoba

Thành phốTên trườngHọc phí
WinnipegBalmoral Hall School59.800 CAD

Tỉnh bang New Brunswick

Thành phốTên trườngHọc phí
FrederictonFredericton Christian Academy15.475 CAD

Tỉnh bang Quebec

Thành phốTên trườngHọc phí
MontrealKells Academy17.300 CAD
RigaudCollege Bourget22.818 CAD
La PocatièreCollege de Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere19.721 CAD

Để được hỗ trợ chi tiết về thông tin và đăng ký nhập học tại các trường trung học ở Canada, các bạn liên hệ với Catholic MTA bằng cách click vào nút Đăng ký bên dưới hoặc liên hệ


  • Hotline: 1900 8642
  • Địa chỉ: Khu A, Phòng A1, 45 Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Phường Bến Nghé, Quận 1, Tp. HCM.

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